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Wild Bird Conservation
& Education in West Virginia

Our mission is to conserve native wild birds and to educate and involve the public in ecosystem stewardship through educational outreach, wild bird rehabilitation, restoration, and research projects.

Three Rivers Avian Center (TRAC) is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization focused on wild bird conservation, ecosystem education, and community involvement. Established in 1990, TRAC features a 110-acre facility situated in the scenic New River Gorge area of southern West Virginia, between Sandstone and Hinton in Summers County. Bordered partially by the New River Gorge National Park & Preserve, TRAC’s location provides an ideal setting for bird watching, wildlife viewing, and connecting with nature. We offer programs and resources on wild bird preservation, habitat restoration, and environmental stewardship for all ages. Visit our avian conservation center in West Virginia today.

Riffle, the Barred Owl ambassador, perched on a tree branch.

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The barred owl with a cracked beak from Barboursville got to go home on Friday afternoon, with the finders there to cheer his home coming. He had been hit by a vehicle at the beginning of December. He was glad to be home! Also released on Friday: a coopers hawk from Barboursville and this eastern screech owl from Milton.

Hanging Rock Raptor Observatory was the focus of a public meeting in Monroe County yesterday. Full inspection of the building by the US Forest Service has discovered many safety concerns beyond the initial structural support issues. The Real WV covered the meeting. Here's Stephen Baldwin's report:

Cindy Ellis, a birding friend of ours and administrator of the Facebook page Mountain State Birders -WV, recommended this book to us and it's been a treasure trove of factoids and interesting background information. It's great reading from the passenger seat to the driver as we are going down the road too. We really enjoy this book, and if you are interested in birds at any level, it's a fun easy, short pages by pages read. (Did you know another name for a white throated sparrow is a "Peabody bird"?)

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Donations keep Three Rivers Avian Center thriving so we can continue our mission to conserve West Virginia's avian wildlife populations. They are fully tax-deductible and can be made in your or your loved one's name, your group's, or your company's. All sponsors are listed on the website below and in our monthly newsletter. TRAC accepts credit and debit card donations, as well as automatic monthly donations, via PayPal.

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Together, we can keep wild birds flying free.

Three Rivers Avian Center

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