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Red Tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)

Ryanne comes to us from Elkview in Kanawha County. She was found beside Interstate 77 in late December 2017 with a broken elbow that had already healed badly, making her unflighted. She was looking for fresh road kills to keep herself fed, but she was not able to find enough to eat. She was very weak when the finder rescued her. Due to the manner in which the elbow had healed there is no possibility of surgical correction without losing the wing. She was just a year old when she was found. She now weighs about 2 pounds.

Red Tailed Hawks eat a wide variety of prey, especially rodents, snakes, squirrels, and rabbits. Red tails are monogamous and mate for life. They raise 2 chicks on average each year in a nest that they use again and again over the years and can be found in a wide variety of habitats: open areas, cities, towns, woodlands, you name it! They are very intelligent: they decorate their nests in very individualistic ways and have been documented using tools. Their amazing eyesight allows them to see something the size of a mouse over a mile away.

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