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Eastern Screech Owl (Megascops asio)

Olga is a rufus morph screech owl who was hit by a vehicle in Kanawha County. The accident resulted in an inability to see well out of one eye, which causes her to miss landing spots and impairs her ability to capture prey. She was rescued as an adult in 2020. She enjoys meeting new people. Olga is joined in her large outdoor cage by Pepper, our grey morph Screech Owl Ambassador.

Eastern Screech Owls are very common, found anywhere from Maine and Canada south to Southern and Central Mexico. Favorite nesting areas include any hollow cavity five to forty feet from the ground, sometimes even nesting in the gutters or soffits of suburban houses. They mate for life and are devoted parents, raising up to 4 chicks per year. They eat small rodents, salamanders, minnows, and insects, as well as other small mammals, reptiles, and birds. The males are smaller than the females, averaging 5 ounces to the female’s average weight of 7 ounces. In the wild, Eastern Screech Owls have a life span of about 5–7 years, but in captivity some have lived to be over 12 years old.

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