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Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)

Dori is a wild bred Peregrine Falcon who was found under the New River Gorge Bridge in May 2015 when he was just a few months old. Exams showed he had a severely broken elbow and, although we were able to get it to heal in a comfortable position, he will never fly again. He is now a member of Three Rivers Avian Center’s Educational Raptor Ambassadors. He prefers to eat other birds and small rodents almost exclusively. At TRAC he receives farm-raised quail and mice, which mimics his natural diet.

Peregrine populations were hit hard by pesticide poisonings, especially DDT, from the 1940's on. By 1970 there were only 24 mated pairs of peregrines in the eastern US and the species was placed on the Endangered Species list. Conservation and reintroduction efforts ensued, and peregrines are now considered a stable population.

However, in West Virginia, the population has not been as high as expected. In 2006 TRAC joined with the National Park Service’s New River Gorge National River, the WV Division of Natural Resources, and the Center for Conservation Biology in Williamsburg, VA, to carry out a multi-state cooperative restoration project to restore the species back to southern Appalachia. In the project’s 6 years, 120 young peregrines took to the skies in the New River Gorge National River. Several nests are now active.

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